The formula shortage is hurting families: What parents should know and do

It’s terrifying to think about not being able to feed your baby — and right now, with the baby formula shortage, parents all over the country are feeling exactly that terror. The supply chain for baby formula had been tenuous for some time, but when Abbott Pharmaceuticals recalled many of their formula products — and […]

Summer camp 2022: Having fun and staying safe

It’s time to make summer plans, and for many families those plans include summer camp. After the past couple of years, the idea of getting out of the house, being active, and seeing other children sounds very appealing. While COVID-19 is still with us, vaccines and the fact that so many people have gotten sick […]

Gyn Care 101: What to know about seeing a gynecologist

When should you see a gynecologist? The answer is simple in some ways, more complicated in others. If you’re a woman or a person with female reproductive organs, experts recommend that you start seeing a gynecologist when you become sexually active, or at least once before the age of 21. Good gyn care, as this […]

Repeating the story: What to expect in the emergency department

Hospitals across the country are still scrambling to recover from the toll of an ever-shifting pandemic. What does that mean if you wind up in an emergency department (ED) due to an illness or accident? What should you know and what can you expect? As an emergency medicine doctor at a large teaching hospital, here […]

LATE: A common cause of dementia you’ve never heard of

If dementia is a general term that means thinking and memory has deteriorated to the point that it interferes with day-to-day function, what are the top three disorders that cause dementia in older individuals? Did you think of Alzheimer’s disease? Good! Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia. Did you also think of vascular […]

Swimming lessons save lives: What parents should know

Before going any further, here’s the main thing parents should know about swimming lessons: all children should have them. Every day, about 11 people die from drowning in the United States. Swimming lessons can’t prevent all of those deaths, but they can prevent a lot of them. A child doesn’t need to be able to […]